mirt example for the DINA model

mirt example for the DINA model

Adapted from the sirt package examples (data.read).

## - sirt 3.12-66 (2022-05-16 12:27:54)

dat <- data.read
I <- ncol(dat)

# define some simple Q-Matrix (does not really make in this application)
Q <- matrix( 0 , nrow=12,ncol=2)
Q[1:4,1] <- 1
Q[5:8,2] <- 1
Q[9:12,1:2] <- 1

# define discrete theta distribution with 3 dimensions
Theta <- matrix(c(0,0, 1,0, 0,1, 1,1), byrow=TRUE, ncol=2)
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]    0    0
## [2,]    1    0
## [3,]    0    1
## [4,]    1    1
#-- Model 14a: din (in CDM)
mod14a <- CDM::din( dat , q.matrix=Q , rule="DINA", progress = FALSE)
## CDM 8.2-6 (Built 2022-08-25 15:43:23)
## Call:
##  CDM::din(data = dat, q.matrix = Q, rule = "DINA", progress = FALSE) 
## Date of Analysis: 2023-07-05 16:11:51 
## Time difference of 0.02211118 secs
## Computation Time: 0.02211118 
## Deviance = 3915.31  |   Log-Likelihood= -1957.655 
## Number of iterations: 41 
## Number of item parameters: 24 
## Number of skill class parameters: 3 
## Information criteria: 
##   AIC = 3969.31 
##   BIC = 4071.722 
## Mean of RMSEA item fit: 0.028 
## Item parameters
##    item guess  slip   IDI rmsea
## 1    A1 0.674 0.030 0.295 0.011
## 2    A2 0.423 0.049 0.527 0.017
## 3    A3 0.258 0.224 0.519 0.012
## 4    A4 0.245 0.394 0.361 0.018
## 5    B1 0.534 0.166 0.300 0.026
## 6    B2 0.338 0.382 0.280 0.025
## 7    B3 0.796 0.016 0.188 0.019
## 8    B4 0.421 0.142 0.436 0.033
## 9    C1 0.850 0.000 0.150 0.043
## 10   C2 0.480 0.097 0.423 0.037
## 11   C3 0.746 0.026 0.228 0.054
## 12   C4 0.575 0.136 0.289 0.038
## Marginal skill probabilities:
##        skill.prob
## Skill1     0.5964
## Skill2     0.5996
## Tetrachoric correlations among skill dimensions
##        Skill1 Skill2
## Skill1 1.0000 0.9572
## Skill2 0.9572 1.0000
## Skill Pattern Probabilities 
##      00      10      01      11 
## 0.35663 0.04377 0.04693 0.55267
# compare used Theta distributions
cbind( Theta , mod14a$attribute.patt.splitted)
##          Skill1 Skill2
## [1,] 0 0      0      0
## [2,] 1 0      1      0
## [3,] 0 1      0      1
## [4,] 1 1      1      1
#-- Model 14b: mirt (in mirt)
# define mirt model
I <- ncol(dat) # I = 12
mirtmodel <- mirt::mirt.model("
F1 = 1-4
F2 = 5-8
(F1*F2) = 9-12

#-> constructions like (F1*F2*F3) are also allowed in mirt.model
# get parameters
mod.pars <- mirt(dat, model=mirtmodel , pars = "values")

# starting values d parameters (transformed guessing parameters)
ind <- which( mod.pars$name == "d" )
mod.pars[ind,"value"] <- qlogis(.2)

# starting values transformed slipping parameters
ind <- which( ( mod.pars$name %in% paste0("a",1:3) ) & ( mod.pars$est ) )
mod.pars[ind,"value"] <- qlogis(.8) - qlogis(.2)
##    group  item     class   name parnum     value lbound ubound   est prior.type
## 1    all    A1      dich     a1      1  2.772589   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 2    all    A1      dich     a2      2  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 3    all    A1      dich     a3      3  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 4    all    A1      dich      d      4 -1.386294   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 5    all    A1      dich      g      5  0.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 6    all    A1      dich      u      6  1.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 7    all    A2      dich     a1      7  2.772589   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 8    all    A2      dich     a2      8  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 9    all    A2      dich     a3      9  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 10   all    A2      dich      d     10 -1.386294   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 11   all    A2      dich      g     11  0.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 12   all    A2      dich      u     12  1.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 13   all    A3      dich     a1     13  2.772589   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 14   all    A3      dich     a2     14  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 15   all    A3      dich     a3     15  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 16   all    A3      dich      d     16 -1.386294   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 17   all    A3      dich      g     17  0.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 18   all    A3      dich      u     18  1.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 19   all    A4      dich     a1     19  2.772589   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 20   all    A4      dich     a2     20  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 21   all    A4      dich     a3     21  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 22   all    A4      dich      d     22 -1.386294   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 23   all    A4      dich      g     23  0.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 24   all    A4      dich      u     24  1.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 25   all    B1      dich     a1     25  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 26   all    B1      dich     a2     26  2.772589   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 27   all    B1      dich     a3     27  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 28   all    B1      dich      d     28 -1.386294   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 29   all    B1      dich      g     29  0.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 30   all    B1      dich      u     30  1.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 31   all    B2      dich     a1     31  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 32   all    B2      dich     a2     32  2.772589   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 33   all    B2      dich     a3     33  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 34   all    B2      dich      d     34 -1.386294   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 35   all    B2      dich      g     35  0.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 36   all    B2      dich      u     36  1.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 37   all    B3      dich     a1     37  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 38   all    B3      dich     a2     38  2.772589   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 39   all    B3      dich     a3     39  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 40   all    B3      dich      d     40 -1.386294   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 41   all    B3      dich      g     41  0.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 42   all    B3      dich      u     42  1.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 43   all    B4      dich     a1     43  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 44   all    B4      dich     a2     44  2.772589   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 45   all    B4      dich     a3     45  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 46   all    B4      dich      d     46 -1.386294   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 47   all    B4      dich      g     47  0.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 48   all    B4      dich      u     48  1.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 49   all    C1      dich     a1     49  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 50   all    C1      dich     a2     50  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 51   all    C1      dich     a3     51  2.772589   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 52   all    C1      dich      d     52 -1.386294   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 53   all    C1      dich      g     53  0.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 54   all    C1      dich      u     54  1.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 55   all    C2      dich     a1     55  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 56   all    C2      dich     a2     56  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 57   all    C2      dich     a3     57  2.772589   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 58   all    C2      dich      d     58 -1.386294   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 59   all    C2      dich      g     59  0.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 60   all    C2      dich      u     60  1.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 61   all    C3      dich     a1     61  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 62   all    C3      dich     a2     62  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 63   all    C3      dich     a3     63  2.772589   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 64   all    C3      dich      d     64 -1.386294   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 65   all    C3      dich      g     65  0.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 66   all    C3      dich      u     66  1.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 67   all    C4      dich     a1     67  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 68   all    C4      dich     a2     68  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 69   all    C4      dich     a3     69  2.772589   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 70   all    C4      dich      d     70 -1.386294   -Inf    Inf  TRUE       none
## 71   all    C4      dich      g     71  0.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 72   all    C4      dich      u     72  1.000000  0e+00      1 FALSE       none
## 73   all GROUP GroupPars MEAN_1     73  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 74   all GROUP GroupPars MEAN_2     74  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 75   all GROUP GroupPars COV_11     75  1.000000  1e-04    Inf FALSE       none
## 76   all GROUP GroupPars COV_21     76  0.000000   -Inf    Inf FALSE       none
## 77   all GROUP GroupPars COV_22     77  1.000000  1e-04    Inf FALSE       none
##    prior_1 prior_2
## 1      NaN     NaN
## 2      NaN     NaN
## 3      NaN     NaN
## 4      NaN     NaN
## 5      NaN     NaN
## 6      NaN     NaN
## 7      NaN     NaN
## 8      NaN     NaN
## 9      NaN     NaN
## 10     NaN     NaN
## 11     NaN     NaN
## 12     NaN     NaN
## 13     NaN     NaN
## 14     NaN     NaN
## 15     NaN     NaN
## 16     NaN     NaN
## 17     NaN     NaN
## 18     NaN     NaN
## 19     NaN     NaN
## 20     NaN     NaN
## 21     NaN     NaN
## 22     NaN     NaN
## 23     NaN     NaN
## 24     NaN     NaN
## 25     NaN     NaN
## 26     NaN     NaN
## 27     NaN     NaN
## 28     NaN     NaN
## 29     NaN     NaN
## 30     NaN     NaN
## 31     NaN     NaN
## 32     NaN     NaN
## 33     NaN     NaN
## 34     NaN     NaN
## 35     NaN     NaN
## 36     NaN     NaN
## 37     NaN     NaN
## 38     NaN     NaN
## 39     NaN     NaN
## 40     NaN     NaN
## 41     NaN     NaN
## 42     NaN     NaN
## 43     NaN     NaN
## 44     NaN     NaN
## 45     NaN     NaN
## 46     NaN     NaN
## 47     NaN     NaN
## 48     NaN     NaN
## 49     NaN     NaN
## 50     NaN     NaN
## 51     NaN     NaN
## 52     NaN     NaN
## 53     NaN     NaN
## 54     NaN     NaN
## 55     NaN     NaN
## 56     NaN     NaN
## 57     NaN     NaN
## 58     NaN     NaN
## 59     NaN     NaN
## 60     NaN     NaN
## 61     NaN     NaN
## 62     NaN     NaN
## 63     NaN     NaN
## 64     NaN     NaN
## 65     NaN     NaN
## 66     NaN     NaN
## 67     NaN     NaN
## 68     NaN     NaN
## 69     NaN     NaN
## 70     NaN     NaN
## 71     NaN     NaN
## 72     NaN     NaN
## 73     NaN     NaN
## 74     NaN     NaN
## 75     NaN     NaN
## 76     NaN     NaN
## 77     NaN     NaN
lca_prior <- function(Theta,Etable){
# number of latent Theta classes
TP <- nrow(Theta)
# prior in initial iteration
if ( is.null(Etable) ){
prior <- rep( 1/TP , TP )
# process Etable (this is correct for datasets without missing data)
if ( ! is.null(Etable) ){
# sum over correct and incorrect expected responses
prior <- ( rowSums( Etable[ , seq(1,2*I,2)] ) + rowSums( Etable[ , seq(2,2*I,2)]))}
prior <- prior / sum(prior)

#* estimate model
mod14b <- mirt(dat, mirtmodel , technical = list(
customTheta=Theta , customPriorFun = lca_prior) ,
pars = mod.pars , verbose=FALSE )

# estimated parameters from the user customized prior distribution.
nest <- as.integer(sum(mod.pars$est) + 2)

#* extract item parameters
coef14b <- coef(mod14b, simplify=TRUE)$items

#-* comparisons of estimated parameters
# extract guessing and slipping parameters from din
dfr <- data.frame(matrix(coef(mod14a)[1:24], ncol=2, byrow=T))
colnames(dfr) <- paste0("din.",c("guess","slip") )

# estimated parameters from mirt
dfr$mirt.guess <- plogis( coef14b[,'d'] )
dfr$mirt.slip <- 1 - plogis( rowSums(coef14b[,c("d","a1","a2","a3")]) )

# comparison
round(dfr[, c(1,3,2,4)],3)
##    din.guess mirt.guess din.slip mirt.slip
## 1      0.674      0.671    0.030     0.030
## 2      0.423      0.420    0.049     0.050
## 3      0.258      0.254    0.224     0.225
## 4      0.245      0.243    0.394     0.395
## 5      0.534      0.543    0.166     0.164
## 6      0.338      0.348    0.382     0.380
## 7      0.796      0.803    0.016     0.015
## 8      0.421      0.437    0.142     0.140
## 9      0.850      0.851    0.000     0.000
## 10     0.480      0.480    0.097     0.097
## 11     0.746      0.746    0.026     0.026
## 12     0.575      0.577    0.136     0.137
dfr <- data.frame( "Theta" = Theta , "din"=mod14a$attribute.patt$class.prob ,
"mirt" = extract.mirt(mod14b, "Prior")[[1]])

# comparison
##   Theta.1 Theta.2   din  mirt
## 1       0       0 0.357 0.370
## 2       1       0 0.044 0.049
## 3       0       1 0.047 0.030
## 4       1       1 0.553 0.551
## R version 4.2.2 Patched (2022-11-10 r83330)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/libblas.so.3.7.1
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/liblapack.so.3.7.1
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
## [8] base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] mvtnorm_1.2-2   sirt_3.12-66    ltm_1.2-0       polycor_0.8-1  
## [5] msm_1.7         MASS_7.3-58.2   mirt_1.39.4     lattice_0.20-45
## [9] knitr_1.43     
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] Rcpp_1.0.10          highr_0.10           compiler_4.2.2      
##  [4] dcurver_0.9.2        tools_4.2.2          evaluate_0.21       
##  [7] lifecycle_1.0.3      gtable_0.3.3         nlme_3.1-162        
## [10] mgcv_1.8-41          rlang_1.1.1          Matrix_1.5-3        
## [13] cli_3.6.1            rstudioapi_0.14      commonmark_1.9.0    
## [16] parallel_4.2.2       TAM_4.1-4            expm_0.999-7        
## [19] xfun_0.39            gridExtra_2.3        cluster_2.1.4       
## [22] admisc_0.32          grid_4.2.2           glue_1.6.2          
## [25] pbapply_1.7-0        survival_3.4-0       CDM_8.2-6           
## [28] GPArotation_2023.3-1 splines_4.2.2        mime_0.12           
## [31] permute_0.9-7        Deriv_4.1.3          markdown_1.7        
## [34] vegan_2.6-4