The following code sets up a shadow CAT design (i.e., a CAT where a number of constraints must be satisfied
throughout the test administration). This uses integer programming methods to find the most optimal
solution given a (potentially large) number of constraints. The following is a relatively simple in its
inception, but demonstrates the generality of the setup and the use of the test_properties
bank <- 300 #bank size
N <- 500 #calibration sample size
a <- rlnorm(bank, .2,.3)
d <- rnorm(bank)
pars <- data.frame(a1=a, d=d)
mod <- generate.mirt_object(pars, itemtype = '2PL')
head(coef(mod, simplify=TRUE)$items)
## a1 d g u
## Item.1 1.0121369 0.8936737 0 1
## Item.2 1.2905816 -1.0472981 0 1
## Item.3 0.9505746 1.9713374 0 1
## Item.4 1.9710852 -0.3836321 0 1
## Item.5 1.3483105 1.6541453 0 1
## Item.6 0.9549078 1.5122127 0 1
This next section defines a number of test-level properties, such as
1) The type of item response stimuli (e.g., true-false, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, etc), 1) The content category (e.g., addition or subtraction), and 1) Number of words in each item stem
The purpose of this shadow CAT is to find an optimal measurement test, according to the maximum information criteria, subject to the following constraints:
## generate random response pattern
pattern <- generate_pattern(mod, Theta = matrix(-2:2))
pattern[, 1:6]
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
## [1,] 0 0 0 0 1 0
## [2,] 0 1 0 0 0 0
## [3,] 1 0 1 1 1 1
## [4,] 1 1 1 1 1 1
## [5,] 1 0 1 1 1 1
test_properties <- data.frame(stimuli=rep(c('TF', 'MC', 'fill'), each=bank/3),
content=rep(c('add', 'sub'), times=150),
words=sample(10:30, bank, TRUE))
## stimuli content words
## 1 TF add 11
## 2 TF sub 28
## 3 TF add 14
## 4 TF sub 21
## 5 TF add 12
## 6 TF sub 18
# constraint generating function
constr_fun <- function(person, test, design){
mo <- extract.mirtCAT(test, 'mo')
nitems <- extract.mirt(mo, 'nitems')
tp <- extract.mirtCAT(design, 'test_properties')
lhs <- matrix(0, 9, nitems)
lhs[1,] <- 1
lhs[2,tp$stimuli == 'fill'] <- 1
lhs[3,tp$stimuli == 'fill'] <- 1
lhs[4, c(5, 6)] <- 1
lhs[5, c(10,11)] <- 1
lhs[6, c(17,18)] <- 1
lhs[7, 15] <- 1
lhs[8, tp$content == 'add'] <- 1
lhs[8, tp$content == 'sub'] <- -1
lhs[9, ] <- tp$words
# relationship direction
dirs <- c("==", ">=", '<=', '==', '==', '==', '==', '==', '<=')
#right hand side
rhs <- c(40, 3, 5, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 40*20)
#all together
constraints <- data.frame(lhs, dirs, rhs)
# next item selection function
customNextItem <- function(person, design, test){
objective <- computeCriteria(person=person, design=design, test=test,
criteria = 'MI')
item <- findNextItem(person=person, design=design, test=test,
result <- mirtCAT(mo=mod, start_item = 30, local_pattern = pattern,
design = list(customNextItem=customNextItem,
(items <- summary(result[[1]])$items_answered)
## [1] 30 206 55 283 142 50 278 185 192 186 126 102 255 5 22 51 109
## [18] 162 21 235 163 120 179 85 169 93 113 34 62 170 11 151 175 16
## [35] 82 80 91 140 18 17
head(test_properties[items, ]) #items answered
## stimuli content words
## 30 TF sub 30
## 206 fill sub 13
## 55 TF add 21
## 283 fill add 18
## 142 MC sub 25
## 50 TF sub 23
table(test_properties[items, 1:2])
## content
## stimuli add sub
## fill 3 2
## MC 8 9
## TF 9 9
colSums(table(test_properties[items, 1:2]))
## add sub
## 20 20
mean(test_properties[items, 3])
## [1] 20
(items <- summary(result[[3]])$items_answered)
## [1] 30 274 166 206 178 171 56 160 106 202 265 70 95 147 110 4 187
## [18] 216 197 31 68 180 11 92 122 39 113 18 157 108 194 83 177 107
## [35] 93 43 25 63 17 5
head(test_properties[items, ]) #items answered
## stimuli content words
## 30 TF sub 30
## 274 fill sub 14
## 166 MC sub 30
## 206 fill sub 13
## 178 MC sub 28
## 171 MC add 28
table(test_properties[items, 1:2])
## content
## stimuli add sub
## fill 1 4
## MC 8 9
## TF 11 7
colSums(table(test_properties[items, 1:2]))
## add sub
## 20 20
mean(test_properties[items, 3])
## [1] 19.175
Notice that each of these response patterns satisfy all of the proposed constraints. This is the general benefit of shadow CATs: optimal item selection (according to the item selection criteria) while simultaneously considering a wide and complicated set of item-design constraints.