Collecting responses to new items to an existing bank

This example demonstrates how to collect response data with mirtCAT for new items in an item bank. The constraint is that these new items should not influence the selection process, nor should they influence the computation of the latent trait estimates. Hence, we will require setting up a customized item selection function in order to control how many/when these unscored items should be administered, and also include various flags to mirtCAT() to indicate that they should not be included in the scoring process.

Existing bank

Say that we had the following bank of existing items.

## Loading required package: mirt
## Loading required package: stats4
## Loading required package: lattice
## Loading required package: shiny
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# define population IRT parameters
nitems <- 100
itemnames <- paste0('Item.', 1:nitems)
a <- matrix(rlnorm(nitems, .2, .3))
d <- matrix(rnorm(nitems))
pars <- data.frame(a1=a, d=d, g=0.2)
mod <- generate.mirt_object(pars, '3PL')

# math items definitions
# addition for one factor and multiplication for the other
questions <- answers <- character(nitems)
choices <- matrix('a', nitems, 5)
spacing <- floor(d - min(d)) + 1 #easier items have more variation

for(i in 1:nitems){
    n1 <- sample(1:100, 1)
    n2 <- sample(101:200, 1)
    ans <- n1 + n2
    questions[i] <- paste0(n1, ' + ', n2, ' = ?')
    answers[i] <- as.character(ans)
    ch <- ans + sample(c(-5:-1, 1:5) * spacing[i,], 5)
    ch[sample(1:5, 1)] <- ans
    choices[i,] <- as.character(ch)

df <- data.frame(Questions=questions, Answer=answers, Option=choices, Type='radio')
##      Questions Answer Option.1 Option.2 Option.3 Option.4 Option.5  Type
## 1 69 + 142 = ?    211      211      219      207      195      231 radio
## 2 63 + 142 = ?    205      214      220      205      193      208 radio
## 3 52 + 178 = ?    230      230      224      233      236      221 radio
## 4 94 + 120 = ?    214      199      208      205      214      226 radio
## 5 44 + 194 = ?    238      229      241      238      244      235 radio
## 6 82 + 189 = ?    271      283      267      291      271      275 radio

Now, we wish to collect responses for two new items.

new2 <- data.frame(Questions = c('Q101', 'Q102'),
                          Answer = c('A1', 'A1'),
                          Option = matrix(paste0('A', 1:5), nrow=2, ncol=5),
                          Type = 'radio')
##   Questions Answer Option.1 Option.2 Option.3 Option.4 Option.5  Type
## 1      Q101     A1       A1       A3       A5       A2       A4 radio
## 2      Q102     A1       A2       A4       A1       A3       A5 radio

The conceptual difficulty here is that there are no estimated IRT parameters available for these items yet, because we have no sample data from which to estimate them.

Construct new model objects

In order to include these two new items in the CAT we must include some provisional IRT parameters to, in essence, ‘trick’ mirtCAT() into thinking these items have valid IRT parameters. However, we’ll flag which of these items contain arbitrary parameters by using the constrain input list, specifically the not_scored element.

First, let’s build our new objects to crate a CAT bank with 102 items (compared to the original 100 items above).

# new stimuli information
newdf <- rbind(df, new2)
##        Questions Answer Option.1 Option.2 Option.3 Option.4 Option.5  Type
## 97  71 + 147 = ?    218      206      198      234      202      218 radio
## 98  41 + 116 = ?    157      153      167      155      151      157 radio
## 99  67 + 131 = ?    198      214      202      194      198      182 radio
## 100 39 + 160 = ?    199      202      199      195      197      204 radio
## 101         Q101     A1       A1       A3       A5       A2       A4 radio
## 102         Q102     A1       A2       A4       A1       A3       A5 radio
# new parameter data.frame and model
newpars <- rbind(pars, data.frame(a1 = c(0,0), d = c(0,0), g=0))
tail(newpars) # parameter values for unscored items are arbitrary
##            a1          d   g
## 97  0.8690258  0.6202102 0.2
## 98  1.5895661 -0.9659032 0.2
## 99  1.6353797  0.1626547 0.2
## 100 2.3078933 -2.0782375 0.2
## 101 0.0000000  0.0000000 0.0
## 102 0.0000000  0.0000000 0.0
newmod <- generate.mirt_object(newpars, '3PL')
coef(newmod, simplify=TRUE)
## $items
##             a1      d   g u
## Item.1   0.850  0.415 0.2 1
## Item.2   1.327 -0.475 0.2 1
## Item.3   1.691  0.066 0.2 1
## Item.4   0.604 -0.502 0.2 1
## Item.5   1.389 -0.826 0.2 1
## Item.6   1.422  0.167 0.2 1
## Item.7   1.028 -0.896 0.2 1
## Item.8   1.037  0.168 0.2 1
## Item.9   1.031  0.355 0.2 1
## Item.10  0.935 -0.052 0.2 1
## Item.11  1.058 -0.196 0.2 1
## Item.12  0.905 -0.649 0.2 1
## Item.13  0.968 -1.110 0.2 1
## Item.14  1.245  0.849 0.2 1
## Item.15  1.629  0.022 0.2 1
## Item.16  1.182  0.831 0.2 1
## Item.17  1.048 -1.244 0.2 1
## Item.18  0.929  0.169 0.2 1
## Item.19  0.950  0.673 0.2 1
## Item.20  2.521 -0.026 0.2 1
## Item.21  1.272 -0.191 0.2 1
## Item.22  1.054 -0.782 0.2 1
## Item.23  1.070  2.058 0.2 1
## Item.24  1.402  0.751 0.2 1
## Item.25  0.992  1.824 0.2 1
## Item.26  0.791  0.080 0.2 1
## Item.27  1.451 -0.631 0.2 1
## Item.28  0.898 -1.513 0.2 1
## Item.29  1.216 -0.636 0.2 1
## Item.30  0.922  0.226 0.2 1
## Item.31  1.700  1.014 0.2 1
## Item.32  1.059  0.253 0.2 1
## Item.33  0.987 -1.172 0.2 1
## Item.34  1.051  0.669 0.2 1
## Item.35  0.749 -1.650 0.2 1
## Item.36  0.860 -0.366 0.2 1
## Item.37  0.635 -0.316 0.2 1
## Item.38  0.817 -1.948 0.2 1
## Item.39  1.118  0.920 0.2 1
## Item.40  1.062 -0.623 0.2 1
## Item.41  1.887 -0.334 0.2 1
## Item.42  0.886  1.395 0.2 1
## Item.43  0.945  0.637 0.2 1
## Item.44  1.123 -0.108 0.2 1
## Item.45  0.906  0.514 0.2 1
## Item.46  0.913  0.399 0.2 1
## Item.47  0.876  1.663 0.2 1
## Item.48  0.839  0.276 0.2 1
## Item.49  1.044  0.506 0.2 1
## Item.50  1.052  0.348 0.2 1
## Item.51  0.710 -0.377 0.2 1
## Item.52  1.026  0.098 0.2 1
## Item.53  0.876  1.639 0.2 1
## Item.54  0.901 -0.876 0.2 1
## Item.55  1.163  0.122 0.2 1
## Item.56  1.446  1.362 0.2 1
## Item.57  2.002 -0.235 0.2 1
## Item.58  0.969 -1.053 0.2 1
## Item.59  1.977 -0.870 0.2 1
## Item.60  0.863 -0.390 0.2 1
## Item.61  1.487 -0.847 0.2 1
## Item.62  2.624 -0.261 0.2 1
## Item.63  1.209 -0.414 0.2 1
## Item.64  0.999 -0.183 0.2 1
## Item.65  1.219  0.407 0.2 1
## Item.66  2.082  0.625 0.2 1
## Item.67  0.868  1.678 0.2 1
## Item.68  1.841 -0.069 0.2 1
## Item.69  1.820 -0.321 0.2 1
## Item.70  1.351  1.471 0.2 1
## Item.71  1.224  1.704 0.2 1
## Item.72  1.065  0.043 0.2 1
## Item.73  1.094 -0.333 0.2 1
## Item.74  1.484 -1.822 0.2 1
## Item.75  2.273  1.411 0.2 1
## Item.76  1.166 -0.838 0.2 1
## Item.77  0.805 -1.124 0.2 1
## Item.78  0.983  3.044 0.2 1
## Item.79  1.320  0.235 0.2 1
## Item.80  1.111 -0.033 0.2 1
## Item.81  1.158 -2.732 0.2 1
## Item.82  1.161 -0.100 0.2 1
## Item.83  0.809  0.976 0.2 1
## Item.84  1.159  0.414 0.2 1
## Item.85  1.576  0.912 0.2 1
## Item.86  1.506  1.984 0.2 1
## Item.87  1.441  1.169 0.2 1
## Item.88  1.082 -0.509 0.2 1
## Item.89  1.153  0.704 0.2 1
## Item.90  0.854 -0.198 0.2 1
## Item.91  1.202 -0.538 0.2 1
## Item.92  1.319 -2.856 0.2 1
## Item.93  2.038 -0.790 0.2 1
## Item.94  1.649  0.488 0.2 1
## Item.95  1.053  2.168 0.2 1
## Item.96  1.359  0.501 0.2 1
## Item.97  0.869  0.620 0.2 1
## Item.98  1.590 -0.966 0.2 1
## Item.99  1.635  0.163 0.2 1
## Item.100 2.308 -2.078 0.2 1
## Item.101 0.000  0.000 0.0 1
## Item.102 0.000  0.000 0.0 1
## $means
## F1 
##  0 
## $cov
##    F1
## F1  1

With these new objects built, we’re ready to use mirtCAT(). However, if we are interested in how/when these new items should be administered, while also desiring that the items selection method remain adaptive (e.g., with the maximum-information criteria), then we’ll need a customNextItem() function definition to control the item selection scheme.

In the following code, items are selected using the MI criteria. However, if item 101 or 102 have not yet been administered then they will be randomly selected 10% of the time until both of these items appear in the CAT session. To get a better feel for how this item selection function behaves, simply uncomment the browser() line and walk-through the object state using R’s internal debugging functions.

customNextItem <- function(design, person, test){
    # browser()
    items_answered <- na.omit(extract.mirtCAT(person, 'items_answered'))
    new_items <- 101:102

    # if there are any new items to be administered, then 10% of
    #    the time randomly pick one to administer
    if(!all(new_items %in% items_answered) && runif(1) < .1){
        pick <- new_items[!(new_items %in% items_answered)]
        if(length(pick) == 1) return(pick)
        else return(sample(pick, 1))

    # othewise, pick item with the MI criteria
    item <- findNextItem(person=person, design=design, test=test,
                         criteria = 'MI')

Finally, we have all the components necessary to pass to mirtCAT() in order to control these new special items. Let’s run a test case to see how this selection process behaves.

# test pattern
pat <- generate_pattern(newmod, Theta = 0, df = newdf)

result <- mirtCAT(newdf, newmod, method = 'EAP', criteria = 'MI', start_item = 'random',
                  local_pattern = pat,
                  design = list(min_SEM = .2,
                                # ensure these items are not scored
                                constraints = list(not_scored = 101:102),

Notice the design element constraints = list(not_scored = 101:102). This tells mirtCAT() to never use item 101 or 102 in the scoring of the \(\theta\) components. Hence, when you inspect the properties of the CAT session whenever item’s 101 and 102 are administered the previous \(\hat{\theta}\) and associated \(SE\) estimates are identical to the previous response pattern state (because nothing changes in the CAT, only the responses for these items are collected). For ease of location, the thetas_SE_history retains the labels of these new items so that they can be easily located from the estimation history.

## $final_estimates
##             Theta_1
## Estimates 0.2653299
## SEs       0.2062403
## $raw_responses
##   [1] "3" "1" "3" "5" "2" "4" "2" "2" "5" "5" "1" "5" "4" "1" "1" "5" "3"
##  [18] "3" "5" "3" "4" "1" "1" "1" "5" "3" "3" "4" "2" "1" "5" "1" "4" "1"
##  [35] "4" "4" "4" "2" "2" "1" "4" "4" "2" "4" "5" "3" "5" "5" "3" "2" "5"
##  [52] "3" "2" "3" "1" "5" "1" "1" "3" "5" "2" "1" "5" "2" "2" "1" "3" "4"
##  [69] "4" "2" "2" "1" "1" "2" "5" "2" "4" "2" "5" "2" "2" "5" "4" "1" "4"
##  [86] "4" "3" "1" "2" "2" "2" "3" "3" "2" "1" "5" "1" "5" "4" "2" "5" "2"
## $scored_responses
##   [1] 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
##  [36] 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
##  [71] 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
## $items_answered
##   [1]  62  75  66  20  57  68  41  93  69  59   3  15  99  94  98  31   6
##  [18]  85  27  96  79  61 101 100  24   2   5  21  63  65 102  87  55  82
##  [35]  91  29  84  14  56  16  44  80  89  70  72  32  73  50   8  11  39
##  [52]  49   9  52  86  34  88  76  64  40  18  10  22  30  19  43  46  45
##  [69]   7  74  71  90   1  48  97  12  36  60  17  58  26  54  13  33  83
##  [86]  42  51  25  23  53  77  47  67  37  95  28   4  35  38  92  78  81
## $thetas_history
##             Theta_1
##   [1,]  0.000000000
##   [2,] -0.621601266
##   [3,] -0.342265947
##   [4,] -0.118285616
##   [5,]  0.102724421
##   [6,] -0.135465547
##   [7,]  0.008212652
##   [8,]  0.136972907
##   [9,]  0.001182598
##  [10,]  0.105174077
##  [11,]  0.210466438
##  [12,]  0.277790579
##  [13,]  0.148955294
##  [14,]  0.207744033
##  [15,]  0.252736938
##  [16,]  0.188257534
##  [17,]  0.219217501
##  [18,]  0.131153423
##  [19,]  0.161702056
##  [20,]  0.106440907
##  [21,]  0.138421785
##  [22,]  0.171682003
##  [23,]  0.219261742
##  [24,]  0.219261742
##  [25,]  0.183569627
##  [26,]  0.206654703
##  [27,]  0.242809368
##  [28,]  0.281827318
##  [29,]  0.311662347
##  [30,]  0.268141771
##  [31,]  0.208929062
##  [32,]  0.208929062
##  [33,]  0.224342399
##  [34,]  0.247698177
##  [35,]  0.272508684
##  [36,]  0.236214508
##  [37,]  0.265525880
##  [38,]  0.214491607
##  [39,]  0.153452211
##  [40,]  0.074913641
##  [41,]  0.091802979
##  [42,]  0.116034705
##  [43,]  0.079182758
##  [44,]  0.096112970
##  [45,]  0.107416764
##  [46,]  0.072421562
##  [47,]  0.091370485
##  [48,]  0.062493345
##  [49,]  0.080219017
##  [50,]  0.098632514
##  [51,]  0.069619542
##  [52,]  0.082721445
##  [53,]  0.044771085
##  [54,]  0.061379026
##  [55,]  0.030552600
##  [56,]  0.038610997
##  [57,]  0.052614177
##  [58,]  0.074249070
##  [59,]  0.097818342
##  [60,]  0.115862508
##  [61,]  0.094931858
##  [62,]  0.109541845
##  [63,]  0.125264161
##  [64,]  0.106894040
##  [65,]  0.120577481
##  [66,]  0.131543415
##  [67,]  0.142506114
##  [68,]  0.154417124
##  [69,]  0.165376377
##  [70,]  0.184139426
##  [71,]  0.171511459
##  [72,]  0.177453615
##  [73,]  0.190990271
##  [74,]  0.201273803
##  [75,]  0.212047771
##  [76,]  0.221158527
##  [77,]  0.236472671
##  [78,]  0.218526347
##  [79,]  0.200999609
##  [80,]  0.218728012
##  [81,]  0.205606477
##  [82,]  0.216344370
##  [83,]  0.231506489
##  [84,]  0.218992510
##  [85,]  0.235413584
##  [86,]  0.208344145
##  [87,]  0.213512216
##  [88,]  0.224539671
##  [89,]  0.228458296
##  [90,]  0.231838799
##  [91,]  0.235902510
##  [92,]  0.249043580
##  [93,]  0.252956537
##  [94,]  0.256764797
##  [95,]  0.244258409
##  [96,]  0.247181607
##  [97,]  0.260998833
##  [98,]  0.250361679
##  [99,]  0.261425644
## [100,]  0.256199405
## [101,]  0.268225102
## [102,]  0.269427689
## [103,]  0.265329867
## $thetas_SE_history
##            Theta_1
##          1.0000000
##          0.7548353
##          0.6722111
##          0.6085983
##          0.5589631
##          0.5253759
##          0.4842760
##          0.4549861
##          0.4345534
##          0.4086428
##          0.3933434
##          0.3764879
##          0.3696571
##          0.3545867
##          0.3431957
##          0.3349382
##          0.3258627
##          0.3226753
##          0.3146059
##          0.3103663
##          0.3039357
##          0.2986620
##          0.2957117
## theta_SE 0.2957117
##          0.2874217
##          0.2829751
##          0.2797514
##          0.2774798
##          0.2746487
##          0.2718502
##          0.2706582
## theta_SE 0.2706582
##          0.2675727
##          0.2649813
##          0.2627104
##          0.2604413
##          0.2586356
##          0.2576300
##          0.2578025
##          0.2599520
##          0.2569882
##          0.2542633
##          0.2539774
##          0.2512933
##          0.2490171
##          0.2488317
##          0.2464954
##          0.2459742
##          0.2437226
##          0.2416602
##          0.2412598
##          0.2392847
##          0.2397172
##          0.2376866
##          0.2377494
##          0.2359365
##          0.2340835
##          0.2325220
##          0.2313024
##          0.2298529
##          0.2291498
##          0.2277964
##          0.2265310
##          0.2258159
##          0.2245711
##          0.2234115
##          0.2223018
##          0.2212498
##          0.2202730
##          0.2196677
##          0.2183117
##          0.2174459
##          0.2166732
##          0.2158923
##          0.2151498
##          0.2144272
##          0.2139073
##          0.2133364
##          0.2128122
##          0.2126050
##          0.2119369
##          0.2112999
##          0.2109037
##          0.2102435
##          0.2100055
##          0.2100374
##          0.2095240
##          0.2090744
##          0.2086326
##          0.2082196
##          0.2078254
##          0.2076548
##          0.2072842
##          0.2069293
##          0.2066749
##          0.2063319
##          0.2063853
##          0.2061497
##          0.2062183
##          0.2059148
##          0.2067795
##          0.2066423
##          0.2062403