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Transforms coefficients into a standardized factor loading's metric. For MixedClass objects, the fixed and random coefficients are printed. Note that while the output to the console is rounded to three digits, the returned list of objects is not. For simulations, use output <- summary(mod, verbose = FALSE) to suppress the console messages.


# S4 method for class 'SingleGroupClass'
  rotate = "oblimin",
  Target = NULL,
  suppress = 0,
  suppress.cor = 0,
  verbose = TRUE,



an object of class SingleGroupClass, MultipleGroupClass, or MixedClass


a string indicating which rotation to use for exploratory models, primarily from the GPArotation package (see documentation therein).

Rotations currently supported are: 'promax', 'oblimin', 'varimax', 'quartimin', 'targetT', 'targetQ', 'pstT', 'pstQ', 'oblimax', 'entropy', 'quartimax', 'simplimax', 'bentlerT', 'bentlerQ', 'tandemI', 'tandemII', 'geominT', 'geominQ', 'cfT', 'cfQ', 'infomaxT', 'infomaxQ', 'mccammon', 'bifactorT', 'bifactorQ'.

For models that are not exploratory this input will automatically be set to 'none'


a dummy variable matrix indicting a target rotation pattern. This is required for rotations such as 'targetT', 'targetQ', 'pstT', and 'pstQ'


a numeric value indicating which (possibly rotated) factor loadings should be suppressed. Typical values are around .3 in most statistical software. Default is 0 for no suppression


same as suppress, but for the correlation matrix output


logical; allow information to be printed to the console?


additional arguments to be passed


Chalmers, R., P. (2012). mirt: A Multidimensional Item Response Theory Package for the R Environment. Journal of Statistical Software, 48(6), 1-29. doi:10.18637/jss.v048.i06

See also


# \donttest{
x <- mirt(Science, 2)
#> Rotation:  oblimin 
#> Rotated factor loadings: 
#>              F1      F2    h2
#> Comfort  0.6016  0.0312 0.382
#> Work    -0.0573  0.7971 0.592
#> Future   0.3302  0.5153 0.548
#> Benefit  0.7231 -0.0239 0.506
#> Rotated SS loadings:  0.997 0.902 
#> Factor correlations: 
#>       F1 F2
#> F1 1.000   
#> F2 0.511  1
summary(x, rotate = 'varimax')
#> Rotation:  varimax 
#> Rotated factor loadings: 
#>            F1    F2    h2
#> Comfort 0.579 0.216 0.382
#> Work    0.121 0.760 0.592
#> Future  0.428 0.605 0.548
#> Benefit 0.683 0.200 0.506
#> Rotated SS loadings:  0.999 1.03 
#> Factor correlations: 
#>    F1 F2
#> F1  1   
#> F2  0  1

# }