Managing warning and error messages
Phil Chalmers
Error catching is an important area to consider when creating Monte Carlo simulations. Sometimes, iterative algorithms will ‘fail to converge’, or otherwise crash for other reasons (e.g., sparse data). Moreover, errors may happen in unexpected combinations of the design factors under investigation, which can lead to abrupt termination of a simulation’s execution.
makes managing errors much easier because the
internal functions are automatically wrapped within try
blocks, and therefore simulations will not terminate unexpectedly. This
type of information is also collected in the final simulation object
since it may be relevant to the writer that something unknown is going
wrong in the code-base. Below we demonstrate what happens when errors
are thrown and caught, and how this information is tracked in the
returned object.
Define the functions
As usual, define the functions of interest.
# SimFunctions(comments=FALSE)
Design <- createDesign(N = c(10,20,30))
Generate <- function(condition, fixed_objects) {
ret <- with(condition, rnorm(N))
Analyse <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects) {
whc <- sample(c(0,1,2,3), 1, prob = c(.7, .20, .05, .05))
if(whc == 0){
ret <- mean(dat)
} else if(whc == 1){
ret <- t.test() # missing arguments
} else if(whc == 2){
ret <- t.test('invalid') # invalid arguments
} else if(whc == 3){
# throw error manually
stop('Manual error thrown')
# manual warnings
if(sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1, prob = c(.1, .9)))
warning('This warning happens rarely')
if(sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1, prob = c(.5, .5)))
warning('This warning happens much more often')
Summarise <- function(condition, results, fixed_objects) {
ret <- c(bias = bias(results, 0))
The above simulation is just an example of how errors are tracked in
, as well as how to throw a manual error in case
the data should be re-drawn based on the user’s decision (e.g., when a
model converges, but fails to do so before some number of predefined
Run the simulation
result <- runSimulation(Design, replications = 100,
generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse, summarise=Summarise)
## Design: 1/3; Replications: 100; RAM Used: 68 Mb; Total Time: 0.00s
## Conditions: N=10
## Design: 2/3; Replications: 100; RAM Used: 69.2 Mb; Total Time: 0.05s
## Conditions: N=20
## Design: 3/3; Replications: 100; RAM Used: 69.3 Mb; Total Time: 0.10s
## Conditions: N=30
## # A tibble: 3 × 9
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <int>
## 1 10 0.061138 100 0.05s 69.2 Mb 1140350788 Fri Mar 28 14… 53
## 2 20 0.014295 100 0.05s 69.3 Mb 312928385 Fri Mar 28 14… 52
## 3 30 0.017927 100 0.04s 69.4 Mb 866248189 Fri Mar 28 14… 42
## # ℹ 1 more variable: WARNINGS <int>
What you’ll immediately notice from this output object is that counts
of the error and warning messages have been appended to the
object. This is useful to determine just how
problematic the errors and warnings are based on their frequency alone.
Furthermore, the specific frequency in which the errors/warnings
occurred are also included for each design condition (here the
error, where no inputs were supplied,
occurred more often than the manually thrown error as well as the
invalid-input error) after extracting and inspecting
SimExtract(results, what = 'errors')
SimExtract(results, what = 'warnings')
SimExtract(result, what = 'errors')
## N ERROR: Error in t.test.default("invalid") : not enough 'x' observations\n
## 1 10 12
## 2 20 9
## 3 30 10
## ERROR: Error in t.test.default() : argument "x" is missing, with no default\n
## 1 31
## 2 38
## 3 25
## ERROR: Manual error thrown\n
## 1 10
## 2 5
## 3 7
Finally, SimDesign
has a built-in safety feature
controlled by with max_errors
argument to avoid getting
stuck in infinite redrawing loops. By default, if more than 50 errors
are consecutively returned then the simulation condition will be halted,
and a warning message will be printed to the console indicating the last
observed fatal error. These safety features are built-in because too
many consecutive stop()
calls generally indicates a major
problem in the simulation code which should be fixed before continuing.
However, when encountering fatal errors in a given simulation condition
the remainder of the simulation experiment will still be executed as
normal, where for the problematic conditionsNA
will be assigned to these rows in the final output object. This is so
that the entire experiment does not unexpectedly terminate due to one or
more problematic row conditions in Design
, and instead
these conditions can be inspected and debugged all at once at a later
time. Of course, if inspecting the code directly, the simulation could
be manually halted so that these terminal errors can be attended to
immediately (e.g., using Ctrl + c
, or clicking the ‘Stop’
icon in Rstudio).
What to do (explicit debugging)
If errors occur too often (but not in a fatal way) then the
respective design conditions should either be extracted out of the
simulation or further inspected to determine if they can be fixed (e.g.,
providing better starting values, increasing convergence criteria/number
of iterations, etc). For instance, say that the fourth row of the
object raised a number of error messages that should
be inspected further. One useful approach then would be to debug the 4th
row on the instance that an error is raised, which can be achieved using
the following:
runSimulation(..., debug = 'error-4')
The error
flag is used to enter R’s debugger on the
first instance of an error, while the -4
indicates that
only the 4th row of design
should be evaluated. This is
also one instance where changing warning messages into error messages
runSimulation(..., extra_options = list(warnings_as_errors=TRUE))
is particularly useful so that the state that generated a warning can be
inspected directly. Note that similar arguments can be made for
explicitly debugging functions in the generate-analyse-summarise chain
(e.g., debug = 'analyse-4'
), though these are less useful
for debugging (more useful for initial code design).
Manual debugging via try()
Failing the above approach, manually wrapping the problematic
functions in a try()
call. Adding the line
if(is(object, 'try-error')) browser()
will jump into the
location/replication where the object unexpectedly witnessed, though
admittedly this is more clunky approach than using debug
Nevertheless, jumping into the exact location where the error occurred,
particularly in the case where an analyse()
function is
throwing multiple error messages, will greatly help you determine what
exactly went wrong in the simulation state, allowing you to quickly
locate and fix the issue.
Extracting error seeds for hard-to-find bugs
An alternative approach to locating errors in general is to use
information stored within the SimDesign
objects at the time
of completion. By default, all .Random.seed
associated with errors are stored within the final object, and these can
be extracted using the SimExtract(..., what='error_seeds')
option. This function returns a data.frame
object with each
seed stored column-wise, where the associated error message is contained
in the column name itself (and allowed to be coerced into a valid column
name to make it easier to use the $
operator). For
seeds <- SimExtract(result, what = 'error_seeds')
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##…¹ Design_row_1.2..Manu…² Design_row_1.3..Erro…³
## <int> <int> <int>
## 1 10403 10403 10403
## 2 624 21 65
## 3 -159038368 -230613222 -230613222
## 4 1905303777 203707493 203707493
## 5 -371375826 1161141503 1161141503
## 6 -1012234281 549195142 549195142
## # ℹ abbreviated names:
## # ¹,
## # ²Design_row_1.2..Manual.error.thrown.,
## # ³
Given these seeds, replicating an exact error can be achieved by a)
extracting a single column into an integer
vector, and b)
passing this vector to the load_seed
input. For example,
replicating the first error message can be achieved as follows, where it
makes the most sense to immediately go into the debugging mode via the
Note: It is important to manually select the correct
row using this error extraction approach; otherwise,
the seed will clearly not replicate the exact problem state.
picked_seed <- seeds$
# debug analyse() for first row of Design object via debug='analyse-1'
runSimulation(Design, replications = 100, load_seed=picked_seed, debug='analyse-1',
generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse, summarise=Summarise)
The .Random.seed
state will be loaded at this exact
state, and will always be repeated at this state as well (in case
is typed in the debugger, or somehow the error is harder
to find while walking through the debug mode). Hence, users must type
to exit the debugger after they have better understood
the nature of the error message first-hand, after which the
input should be removed.
Converting warings to errors explicitly via
On occasion functions will return warning
message that
either border on (or should be treated as) error messages if they
influence the veracity of the simulation results. Such examples may
include models that appear to ‘converge’ but do so with non-nonsensical
parameter estimates (e.g., negative variances, non-positive definite
correlation matrices, maximum iterations reached in an numerical
searching algorithm, etc). However, because such issues are non-fatal
third-party software (i.e., functions not written by the developer of
the simulation) may simply raise a warning
message for
further inspection, whereas in a Monte Carlo simulation experiment such
issues should generally be treated as invalid (though their frequency of
occurrence should still be tracked, as is the default in
To resolve this issue, and to avoid using a more nuclear option such
as setting option(warn=2)
to treat all warnings as
errors in the simulation, the function manageWarnings()
be used to explicit convert known warning message strings into errors
that disrupt the code execution while allowing other warning messages to
continue to be raised.
For example, if a function utilized in a simulation was
myfun <- function() {
if(sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1, prob = c(.1, .9)))
warning('This warning is serious')
if(sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1, prob = c(.5, .5)))
warning('This warning is no big deal')
out <- myfun()
out <- myfun()
## Warning in myfun(): This warning is no big deal
out <- myfun()
## Warning in myfun(): This warning is serious
then whenever the serious warning message is raised it could be
explicitly converted to an error using an internal grepl()
out1 <- manageWarnings(myfun(),
warning2error='This warning is serious')
## [1] 1
out2 <- manageWarnings(myfun(),
warning2error='This warning is serious')
## Warning in myfun(): This warning is no big deal
## [1] 1
out3 <- manageWarnings(myfun(),
warning2error='This warning is serious')
## Error: This warning is serious
which now converts the previous warning message into an error
message, thereby correctly disrupting the flow of the Monte Carlo
simulation experiment and prompting a new call to
. Of course, all warning and error messages are
tallied in the resulting runSimulation()
object, though now
the serious warnings will be tallied as disruptive errors instead of
warnings that continued normally.