Multiple analysis functions
Phil Chalmers
This vignette demonstrates one of the newer features in the
package pertaining to multiple analysis function
definitions that can be selected for each Design
or whenever they are applicable. The purpose of providing multiple
analysis functions is to
- Remove the less readable if-then-else combinations that can appear when writing simulation code, where specific analysis functions are not intended to be used on a given generated dataset,
- Provide better automatic naming of the analysis results across independent subroutines,
- Construct more readable code when the
function contains too much code to easily track, and to - Create a more modular approach to isolating the analysis functions for the purpose of redistribution or reusing in related projects
Functionality speaking, this type of organization does not change how
generally operates. For that reason, the coding
style presented in this vignette can be considered optional. However, if
any of the above points resonate well with you then following the
details of this coding organization style may prove useful.
Description of structure
The usual work-flow with SimDesign
requires first
calling SimFunctions()
to generate a working template, such
as the following.
## #-------------------------------------------------------------------
## library(SimDesign)
## Design <- createDesign(factor1 = NA,
## factor2 = NA)
## #-------------------------------------------------------------------
## Generate <- function(condition, fixed_objects) {
## dat <- data.frame()
## dat
## }
## Analyse <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects) {
## ret <- nc(stat1 = NaN, stat2 = NaN)
## ret
## }
## Summarise <- function(condition, results, fixed_objects) {
## ret <- c(bias = NaN, RMSE = NaN)
## ret
## }
## #-------------------------------------------------------------------
## res <- runSimulation(design=Design, replications=2, generate=Generate,
## analyse=Analyse, summarise=Summarise)
## res
which uses the default nAnalyses=1
to generate only a
single Analyse()
function. In the context of multiple
analysis functions, however, users may be more interested in passing the
number of analysis functions they believe they will need in their
simulation (e.g., if analyzing a
setup to compare the Welch versus independent samples t-test, then two
analysis functions should be used). Passing nAnalyses=2
creates the following template:
SimDesign::SimFunctions(nAnalyses = 2)
## #-------------------------------------------------------------------
## library(SimDesign)
## Design <- createDesign(factor1 = NA,
## factor2 = NA)
## #-------------------------------------------------------------------
## Generate <- function(condition, fixed_objects) {
## dat <- data.frame()
## dat
## }
## Analyse.A1 <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects) {
## ret <- nc(stat1 = NaN, stat2 = NaN)
## ret
## }
## Analyse.A2 <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects) {
## ret <- nc(stat1 = NaN, stat2 = NaN)
## ret
## }
## #-------------------------------------------------------------------
## Summarise <- function(condition, results, fixed_objects) {
## ret <- c(bias = NaN, RMSE = NaN)
## ret
## }
## #-------------------------------------------------------------------
## res <- runSimulation(design=Design, replications=2,generate=Generate,
## analyse=list(A1=Analyse.A1, A2=Analyse.A2),
## summarise=Summarise)
## res
Notice in this case that there are two Analyse.#()
definitions constructed, and when passed to runSimulation()
these are organized as a named list
. The names of the list
will ultimately be attached to the names of the analysis objects so that
there is no ambiguity in the outputted information. However, the inputs
to the Analyse()
functions will always be the same, as the
object formed by the Generate()
call will
be passed to each of these Analyse definitions (hence, the generate data
is held constant across the respective analyses).
The above template should of course be modified to replace the less
useful names of the Analyse.#()
components. By default
users will want to change these to something like
, …,
, and so on, where the
number of Analyse.#
function definitions will ultimately
end up in the runSimulation(..., Analyse=list())
Supplying better names to the named list
component is also
recommended as these will be used to name the associated results in the
Finally, note that all the rules about objects and object naming from the typical single Analyse function still apply and are properly checked internally for suitable names and consistency. The independently defined Analyse functions are also interchangable and removable/replaceable, which makes the structure of the Generate-Analyse-Summarise setup more modular with respect to the analysis components.
An example
The following code is adopted from the Wiki, and so details about the simulation should be obtained from that source.
# SimFunctions(nAnalyses = 2)
sample_sizes <- c(250, 500, 1000)
nitems <- c(10, 20)
Design <- createDesign(sample_size = sample_sizes,
nitems = nitems)
# create list of additional parameters which are fixed across conditions
pars_10 <- rbind(a = round(rlnorm(10, .3, .5)/1.702, 2),
d = round(rnorm(10, 0, .5)/1.702, 2))
pars_20 <- rbind(a = round(rlnorm(20, .3, .5)/1.702, 2),
d = round(rnorm(20, 0, .5)/1.702, 2))
pars <- list(ten=pars_10, twenty=pars_20)
P_logit <- function(a, d, Theta) exp(a * Theta + d) / (1 + exp(a * Theta + d))
P_ogive <- function(a, d, Theta) pnorm(a * Theta + d)
Generate <- function(condition, fixed_objects) {
N <- condition$sample_size
nitems <- condition$nitems
nitems_name <- ifelse(nitems == 10, 'ten', 'twenty')
#extract objects from fixed_objects
a <- fixed_objects[[nitems_name]]['a', ]
d <- fixed_objects[[nitems_name]]['d', ]
dat <- matrix(NA, N, nitems)
colnames(dat) <- paste0('item_', 1:nitems)
Theta <- rnorm(N)
for(j in 1:nitems){
p <- P_ogive(a[j], d[j], Theta)
for(i in 1:N)
dat[i,j] <- sample(c(1,0), 1, prob = c(p[i], 1 - p[i]))
} #data.frame works nicer with lavaan
Analyse.FIML <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects) {
mod <- mirt(dat, 1L, verbose=FALSE)
if(!extract.mirt(mod, 'converged')) stop('mirt did not converge')
cfs <- mirt::coef(mod, simplify = TRUE, digits = Inf)
FIML_as <- cfs$items[,1L] / 1.702
ret <- c(as=unname(FIML_as))
Analyse.DWLS <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects) {
nitems <- condition$nitems
lavmod <- paste0('F =~ ', paste0('NA*', colnames(dat)[1L], ' + '),
paste0(colnames(dat)[-1L], collapse = ' + '),
'\nF ~~ 1*F')
lmod <- sem(lavmod, dat, ordered = colnames(dat))
if(!lavInspect(lmod, 'converged')) stop('lavaan did not converge')
cfs2 <- lavaan::coef(lmod)
DWLS_alpha <- cfs2[1L:nitems]
const <- sqrt(1 - DWLS_alpha^2)
DWLS_as <- DWLS_alpha / const
ret <- c(as=unname(DWLS_as))
Summarise <- function(condition, results, fixed_objects) {
nitems <- condition$nitems
nitems_name <- ifelse(nitems == 10, 'ten', 'twenty')
#extract objects from fixed_objects
a <- fixed_objects[[nitems_name]]['a', ]
pop <- c(a, a)
obt_bias <- bias(results, pop)
obt_RMSE <- RMSE(results, pop)
ret <- c(bias=obt_bias, RMSE=obt_RMSE)
res <- runSimulation(Design, replications=100, verbose=FALSE, parallel=TRUE,
analyse=list(FIML=Analyse.FIML, DWLS=Analyse.DWLS),
summarise=Summarise, filename = 'mirt_lavaan',
packages=c('mirt', 'lavaan'), fixed_objects=pars)
## # A tibble: 6 × 86
## sample_size nitems bias.FIML.as1 bias.FIML.as2 bias.FIML.as3 bias.FIML.as4
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 250 10 0.0099887 0.013457 -0.020161 0.18616
## 2 500 10 -0.021136 0.018720 -0.018173 0.10424
## 3 1000 10 -0.0039473 -0.0014778 -0.013393 0.077890
## 4 250 20 0.060647 0.011787 0.064688 -0.026314
## 5 500 20 0.019202 0.045376 0.021837 -0.0063587
## 6 1000 20 0.019976 0.018608 0.0079817 -0.011498
## # ℹ 80 more variables: bias.FIML.as5 <dbl>, bias.FIML.as6 <dbl>,
## # bias.FIML.as7 <dbl>, bias.FIML.as8 <dbl>, bias.FIML.as9 <dbl>,
## # bias.FIML.as10 <dbl>, bias.DWLS.as1 <dbl>, bias.DWLS.as2 <dbl>,
## # bias.DWLS.as3 <dbl>, bias.DWLS.as4 <dbl>, bias.DWLS.as5 <dbl>,
## # bias.DWLS.as6 <dbl>, bias.DWLS.as7 <dbl>, bias.DWLS.as8 <dbl>,
## # bias.DWLS.as9 <dbl>, bias.DWLS.as10 <dbl>, RMSE.FIML.as1 <dbl>,
## # RMSE.FIML.as2 <dbl>, RMSE.FIML.as3 <dbl>, RMSE.FIML.as4 <dbl>, …
In this particular formulation the mirt
package analyses have been completely isolated into
their own respective functions, and in principle could therefore be
analyzed independently in future simulation studies. This adds a nicer
layer of potential modularity to the Analyse portion of the
framework, where re-using or modifying previous
code should be less painful.
In situations where analysis functions defined in the
list should only be applied in certain design
conditions, users can include an AnalyseIf()
definition at
the beginning of their respective functions to ensure the analyses are
only executed when the provided logical is TRUE
. This
logical ensures the data generation conditions are suitable for the
analysis function to be investigated; otherwise, it is skipped over in
the generate-analyse-summarise work-flow.
As a continuation from above, say that an investigator was also
interested in recovering the slope parameters of a factor analysis model
where the observed indicator variable were continuous as well as
discrete. The Design
definition may therefore look like the
Design <- createDesign(sample_size = sample_sizes,
nitems = nitems,
indicators = c('discrete', 'continuous'))
## # A tibble: 12 × 3
## sample_size nitems indicators
## <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 250 10 discrete
## 2 500 10 discrete
## 3 1000 10 discrete
## 4 250 20 discrete
## 5 500 20 discrete
## 6 1000 20 discrete
## 7 250 10 continuous
## 8 500 10 continuous
## 9 1000 10 continuous
## 10 250 20 continuous
## 11 500 20 continuous
## 12 1000 20 continuous
Provided that the Generate()
step utilized this
character vector, this would imply that the
object returned from Generate()
consist of discrete or continuous data. In the case of continuous
indicator variables, lavaan
could be used as it supports
such indicator types; however, mirt
cannot. So, to ensure
that only the analysis function pertaining to lavaan
used one could include the following replacement definition that used
, but now includes an AnalyseIf()
given the indicators
variable’s state.
Analyse.FIML <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects) {
AnalyseIf(condition$indicators == 'discrete')
# equivalently:
# AnalyseIf(indicators == 'discrete', condition)
# with(condition, AnalyseIf(indicators == 'discrete'))
mod <- mirt(dat, 1L, verbose=FALSE)
if(!extract.mirt(mod, 'converged')) stop('mirt did not converge')
cfs <- coef(mod, simplify = TRUE, digits = Inf)
FIML_as <- cfs$items[,1L] / 1.702
ret <- c(as=unname(FIML_as))
Using this definition the final object returned by
will provide suitable NA
placeholders (where appropriate). For continuous indicators the results
will be presented as though mirt
was never used for the
continuous indicator conditions controlled by the Design
Note that a similar logic can be made for multiple
functions, templated via
SimDesign::SimFunctions(nGenerate = 2)
, and requiring
specific GenerateIf()
tests to indicate which generation
function should be used. For those interested in this type of structure,
the following could be used to separate the discrete/continuous data
generation per Design
Generate.G1 <- function(condition, fixed_objects) {
GenerateIf(condition$indicators == 'discrete')
Generate.G2 <- function(condition, fixed_objects) {
GenerateIf(condition$indicators == 'continuous')
res <- runSimulation(design=Design, replications=1000,
generate=list(G1=Generate.G1, G2=Generate.G2),
analyse=list(DWLS=Analyse.DWLS, FIML=Analyse.FIML),
Applying one analyse function per-condition
Interestingly, AnalyseIf()
could also be used to select
only one analysis function at a time given the components in the
object. For instance, if the Design
definition were constructed using
Design <- createDesign(sample_size = sample_sizes,
nitems = nitems,
method = c('FIML', 'DWLS'))
## # A tibble: 12 × 3
## sample_size nitems method
## <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 250 10 FIML
## 2 500 10 FIML
## 3 1000 10 FIML
## 4 250 20 FIML
## 5 500 20 FIML
## 6 1000 20 FIML
## 7 250 10 DWLS
## 8 500 10 DWLS
## 9 1000 10 DWLS
## 10 250 20 DWLS
## 11 500 20 DWLS
## 12 1000 20 DWLS
and the analysis functions above were supplied defined as
Analyse.FIML <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects) {
AnalyseIf(method == 'FIML', condition)
Analyse.DWLS <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects) {
AnalyseIf(method == 'DWLS', condition)
# ...
# ...
res <- runSimulation(Design, replications=100, verbose=FALSE, parallel=TRUE,
analyse=list(Analyse.FIML, Analyse.DWLS),
summarise=Summarise, filename = 'mirt_lavaan',
packages=c('mirt', 'lavaan'), fixed_objects=pars)
then only one analysis function will be applied at a time in the
simulation experiment. Note that in this case there is no need to append
‘MML’ or ‘DWLS’ to the results
objects as this becomes
redundant with the method
column in the Design
object, and so the analyse
list input is specified as an
unnamed list (cf. earlier when the input was named, which appended
and DWLS.
to the results
output in Summarise()
Users may find this a more natural setup than having to merge all
analysis information into a single Analyse()
The downside, however, is that the analysis function will be applied to
different generated datasets, which while theoretically unbiased could
have ramifications should the analysis functions throw errors at
different rates (even when explicitly supplying a seed
vector input to runSimulation()