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Given the results from a simulation with runSimulation form an ANOVA table (without p-values) with effect sizes based on the eta-squared statistic. These results provide approximate indications of observable simulation effects, therefore these ANOVA-based results are generally useful as exploratory rather than inferential tools.


SimAnova(formula, dat, subset = NULL, rates = TRUE)



an R formula generally of a form suitable for lm or aov. However, if the dependent variable (left size of the equation) is omitted then all the dependent variables in the simulation will be used and the result will return a list of analyses


an object returned from runSimulation of class 'SimDesign'


an optional argument to be passed to subset with the same name. Used to subset the results object while preserving the associated attributes


logical; does the dependent variable consist of rates (e.g., returned from ECR or EDR)? Default is TRUE, which will use the logit of the DV to help stabilize the proportion-based summary statistics when computing the parameters and effect sizes


Chalmers, R. P., & Adkins, M. C. (2020). Writing Effective and Reliable Monte Carlo Simulations with the SimDesign Package. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 16(4), 248-280. doi:10.20982/tqmp.16.4.p248

Sigal, M. J., & Chalmers, R. P. (2016). Play it again: Teaching statistics with Monte Carlo simulation. Journal of Statistics Education, 24(3), 136-156. doi:10.1080/10691898.2016.1246953


Phil Chalmers



# all results (not usually good to mix Power and Type I results together)
SimAnova(alpha.05.F ~ (groups_equal + distribution)^2, BF_sim)
#>                               SS df    MS     F     p sig eta.sq eta.sq.part
#> groups_equal               0.080  1 0.080 0.022 0.885   .  0.001       0.001
#> distribution              17.790  3 5.930 1.590 0.223   .  0.192       0.193
#> groups_equal:distribution  0.006  3 0.002 0.001 1.000   .  0.000       0.000
#> Residuals                 74.598 20 3.730    NA    NA      0.806          NA

# only use anova for Type I error conditions
SimAnova(alpha.05.F ~ (groups_equal + distribution)^2, BF_sim, subset = var_ratio == 1)
#>                               SS df     MS       F     p sig eta.sq eta.sq.part
#> groups_equal               0.027  1  0.027   0.281 0.610   .  0.001       0.034
#> distribution              30.755  3 10.252 108.101 0.000 ***  0.975       0.976
#> groups_equal:distribution  0.002  3  0.001   0.006 0.999   .  0.000       0.002
#> Residuals                  0.759  8  0.095      NA    NA      0.024          NA

# run all DVs at once using the same formula
SimAnova(~ groups_equal * distribution, BF_sim, subset = var_ratio == 1)
#> $alpha.05.F
#>                               SS df     MS       F     p sig eta.sq eta.sq.part
#> groups_equal               0.027  1  0.027   0.281 0.610   .  0.001       0.034
#> distribution              30.755  3 10.252 108.101 0.000 ***  0.975       0.976
#> groups_equal:distribution  0.002  3  0.001   0.006 0.999   .  0.000       0.002
#> Residuals                  0.759  8  0.095      NA    NA      0.024          NA
#> $alpha.05.Jacknife
#>                              SS df    MS      F     p sig eta.sq eta.sq.part
#> groups_equal              0.077  1 0.077  3.644 0.093   .  0.016       0.313
#> distribution              4.462  3 1.487 70.265 0.000 ***  0.933       0.963
#> groups_equal:distribution 0.072  3 0.024  1.140 0.390   .  0.015       0.300
#> Residuals                 0.169  8 0.021     NA    NA      0.035          NA
#> $alpha.05.Layard
#>                               SS df    MS      F     p sig eta.sq eta.sq.part
#> groups_equal               0.004  1 0.004  0.056 0.818   .  0.000       0.007
#> distribution              10.111  3 3.370 46.579 0.000 ***  0.943       0.946
#> groups_equal:distribution  0.023  3 0.008  0.104 0.955   .  0.002       0.038
#> Residuals                  0.579  8 0.072     NA    NA      0.054          NA
#> $alpha.05.Levene
#>                              SS df    MS      F     p sig eta.sq eta.sq.part
#> groups_equal              0.024  1 0.024  1.615 0.239   .  0.006       0.168
#> distribution              4.263  3 1.421 93.943 0.000 ***  0.960       0.972
#> groups_equal:distribution 0.030  3 0.010  0.661 0.599   .  0.007       0.199
#> Residuals                 0.121  8 0.015     NA    NA      0.027          NA
#> $alpha.05.W10
#>                              SS df    MS     F     p sig eta.sq eta.sq.part
#> groups_equal              0.040  1 0.040 0.573 0.471   .  0.021       0.067
#> distribution              1.263  3 0.421 5.956 0.020   .  0.669       0.691
#> groups_equal:distribution 0.019  3 0.006 0.092 0.963   .  0.010       0.033
#> Residuals                 0.566  8 0.071    NA    NA      0.299          NA
#> $alpha.05.W50
#>                              SS df    MS      F     p sig eta.sq eta.sq.part
#> groups_equal              0.073  1 0.073  3.005 0.121   .  0.048       0.273
#> distribution              1.164  3 0.388 16.002 0.001  **  0.763       0.857
#> groups_equal:distribution 0.095  3 0.032  1.304 0.338   .  0.062       0.328
#> Residuals                 0.194  8 0.024     NA    NA      0.127          NA