Function provides a stochastic root-finding approach to solve
specific quantities in simulation experiments (e.g., solving for a specific
sample size to meet a target power rate) using the
Probablistic Bisection Algorithm with Bolstering and Interpolations
(ProBABLI; Chalmers, 2024). The structure follows the
three functional steps outlined in runSimulation
, however portions of
the design
input are taken as variables to be estimated rather than
fixed, where an additional constant b
is required in order to
solve the root equation f(x) - b = 0
replications = list(burnin.iter = 15L, burnin.reps = 50L, max.reps = 500L, = 9000L, = 10L),
integer = TRUE,
formula = y ~ poly(x, 2),
family = "binomial",
parallel = FALSE,
cl = NULL,
save = TRUE,
resume = TRUE,
method = "ProBABLI",
wait.time = NULL,
ncores = parallelly::availableCores(omit = 1L),
type = ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", "PSOCK", "FORK"),
maxiter = 100L,
check.interval = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE,
control = list(),
predCI = 0.95,
predCI.tol = NULL,
# S3 method for class 'SimSolve'
summary(object, tab.only = FALSE, reps.cutoff = 300, ...)
# S3 method for class 'SimSolve'
plot(x, y, ...)
- design
object containing the Monte Carlo simulation conditions to be studied, where each row represents a unique condition and each column a factor to be varied (seecreateDesign
). However, exactly one column of this object in each row must be specified withNA
placeholders to indicate that the missing value should be estimated via the select stochastic optimizer- interval
of length two, ormatrix
rows and two columns, containing the end-points of the interval to be searched per row condition. If a vector then the interval will be used for all rows in the supplieddesign
object- b
a single constant used to solve the root equation
f(x) - b = 0
- generate
generate function. See
- analyse
analysis function. See
- summarise
summary function that returns a single number corresponding to the function evaluation
in the equationf(x) = b
to be solved as a rootf(x) - b = 0
. Unlike in the standardrunSimulation()
definitions this input is required. For further information on this function specification, seerunSimulation
- replications
a named
indicating the number of replication to use for each design condition per PBA iteration. By default the input is alist
with the argumentsburnin.iter = 15L
, specifying the number of burn-in iterations to used,burnin.reps = 50L
to indicate how many replications to use in each burn-in iteration,max.reps = 500L
to prevent the replications from increasing higher than this number, = 9000L
to avoid termination when very few replications have been explored (lower bound of the replication budget), = 10L
to indicate how many replications to increase per iteration after the burn-in stage. Default can overwritten by explicit definition (e.g.,replications = list( = 25L)
).Vector inputs can specify the exact replications for each respective iteration. As a general rule, early iterations should be relatively low for initial searches to avoid unnecessary computations when locating the approximate location of the root, while the number of replications should gradually increase after this burn-in to reduce the sampling variability.
- integer
logical; should the values of the root be considered integer or numeric? If
then bolstered directional decisions will be made in thePBA
function based on the collected sampling history- formula
regression formula to use when
interpolate = TRUE
. Default fits an orthogonal polynomial of degree 2- family
argument passed toglm
. By default the'binomial'
family is used, as this function defaults to power analysis setups where isolated results passed tosummarise
will return 0/1s, however other families should be used ifsummarise
returns something else (e.g., if solving for a particular standard error then a'gaussian'
family would be more appropriate).Note that if individual results from the
steps should not be used (i.e., only the aggregate fromsummarise
is meaningful) then setcontrol = list(summarise.reg_data = TRUE)
to override the default behaviour, thereby using only the aggregate information and weights- parallel
for parallel computing for slower simulation experiments (see
for details)- cl
- save
logical; store temporary file in case of crashes. If detected in the working directory will automatically be loaded to resume (see
for similar behaviour)- resume
logical; if a temporary
file is detected should the simulation resume from this location? Keeping thisTRUE
is generally recommended, however this should be disabled if usingSimSolve
to avoid reading improper save states- method
optimizer method to use. Default is the stochastic root-finder
, but can also be the deterministic options'Brent'
(which uses the functionuniroot
) or'bisection'
for the classical bisection method. If using deterministic root-finders thenreplications
must either equal a single constant to reflect the number of replication to use per deterministic iteration or be a vector of lengthmaxiter
to indicate the replications to use per iteration- wait.time
(optional) argument passed to
to indicate the time to wait (specified in minutes if a numeric vector is passed) per row in theDesign
object rather than using pre-determined termination criteria based on the estimates. For example, if three three conditions were defined inDesign
, andwait.time="5"
, then the total search time till terminate after 15 minutes regardless of independently specified termination criteria incontrol
. SeetimeFormater
for alternative specifications- ncores
- type
type of cluster (see
) or plotting type to use.If
used inplot
then can be'density'
to plot the density of the iteration history after the burn-in stage,'iterations'
for a bubble plot with inverse replication weights. If not specified then the default PBA plots are provided (seePBA
)- maxiter
the maximum number of iterations (default 100) except when
is specified (automatically increased to 3000 to avoid early termination)- check.interval
logical; should an initial check be made to determine whether
have opposite signs? IfFALSE
, the specifiedinterval
is assumed to contain a root, wheref(interval[1]) < 0
andf(interval[2] > 0
. Default isTRUE
- verbose
logical; print information to the console?
- control
of the algorithm control parameters. If not specified, the defaults described below are used.tol
tolerance criteria for early termination (.1 for
integer = TRUE
searches; .00025 for non-integer searchesrel.tol
relative tolerance criteria for early termination (default .0001)
number of consecutive tolerance successes given
criteria (default is 3)bolster
logical; should the PBA evaluations use bolstering based on previous evaluations? Default is
, though only applicable wheninteger = TRUE
number of replications to collect prior to performing the interpolation step (default is 3000 after accounting for data exclusion from
). Setting this to 0 will disable any interpolation computationsinclude_reps
logical; include a column in the
elements to indicate how many replications are currently being evaluated? Mainly useful when further tuning within each ProBABLI iteration is desirable (e.g., for increasing/decreasing bootstrap draws as the search progresses). Default isFALSE
logical; should the aggregate results from
(along with its associated weights) be used for the interpolation steps, or the raw data from theAnalyse
step? Set this toTRUE
when the individual results fromAnalyse
give less meaningful information
- predCI
advertised confidence interval probability for final model-based prediction of target
given the root input estimate. Returned as an element in thesummary()
list output- predCI.tol
(optional) rather than relying on the changes between successive estimates (default), if the predicting CI is consistently within this supplied tolerance range then the search will be terminated. This provides termination behaviour based on the predicted precision of the root solutions rather than their stability history, and therefore can be used to obtain estimates with a particular level of advertised accuracy. For example, when solving for a sample size value (
) if the solution associated withb = .80
requires that the advertised 95 is consistently between [.795, .805] thenpredCI.tol = .01
should be used to reflect this tolerance range- ...
additional arguments to be pasted to
- object
object of class
- tab.only
logical; print only the (reduced) table of estimates?
- reps.cutoff
integer indicating the rows to omit from the output if the number of replications are less than this value
- x
object of class
- y
design row to plot. If omitted defaults to 1
the filled-in design
object containing the associated lower and upper interval
estimates from the stochastic optimization
Root finding is performed using a progressively bolstered version of the
probabilistic bisection algorithm (PBA
) to find the
associated root given the noisy simulation
objective function evaluations. Information is collected throughout
the search to make more accurate predictions about the
associated root via interpolation. If interpolations fail, then the last
iteration of the PBA search is returned as the best guess.
For greater advertised accuracy with ProBABLI, termination criteria
can be based on the width of the advertised predicting interval
(via predCI.tol
) or by specifying how long the investigator
is willing to wait for the final estimates (via wait.time
where longer wait times lead to progressively better accuracy in
the final estimates).
Chalmers, R. P. (2024). Solving Variables with Monte Carlo Simulation Experiments: A
Stochastic Root-Solving Approach. Psychological Methods
. DOI: 10.1037/met0000689
Chalmers, R. P., & Adkins, M. C. (2020). Writing Effective and Reliable Monte Carlo Simulations
with the SimDesign Package. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 16
(4), 248-280.
Phil Chalmers
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
## A Priori Power Analysis
# GOAL: Find specific sample size in each group for independent t-test
# corresponding to a power rate of .8
# For ease of the setup, assume the groups are the same size, and the mean
# difference corresponds to Cohen's d values of .2, .5, and .8
# This example can be solved numerically using the pwr package (see below),
# though the following simulation setup is far more general and can be
# used for any generate-analyse combination of interest
# SimFunctions(SimSolve=TRUE)
#### Step 1 --- Define your conditions under study and create design data.frame.
#### However, use NA placeholder for sample size as it must be solved,
#### and add desired power rate to object
Design <- createDesign(N = NA,
d = c(.2, .5, .8),
sig.level = .05)
Design # solve for NA's
#### Step 2 --- Define generate, analyse, and summarise functions
Generate <- function(condition, fixed_objects) {
group1 <- rnorm(N)
group2 <- rnorm(N, mean=d)
dat <- data.frame(group = gl(2, N, labels=c('G1', 'G2')),
DV = c(group1, group2))
Analyse <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects) {
p <- t.test(DV ~ group, dat, var.equal=TRUE)$p.value
Summarise <- function(condition, results, fixed_objects) {
# Must return a single number corresponding to f(x) in the
# root equation f(x) = b
ret <- c(power = EDR(results, alpha = condition$sig.level))
#### Step 3 --- Optimize N over the rows in design
### (For debugging) may want to see if simulation code works as intended first
### for some given set of inputs
# runSimulation(design=createDesign(N=100, d=.8, sig.level=.05),
# replications=10, generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
# summarise=Summarise)
# Initial search between N = [10,500] for each row using the default
# integer solver (integer = TRUE). In this example, b = target power
solved <- SimSolve(design=Design, b=.8, interval=c(10, 500),
generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
plot(solved, 1)
plot(solved, 2)
plot(solved, 3)
# also can plot median history and estimate precision
plot(solved, 1, type = 'history')
plot(solved, 1, type = 'density')
plot(solved, 1, type = 'iterations')
# verify with true power from pwr package
pwr.t.test(d=.2, power = .8) # sig.level/alpha = .05 by default
pwr.t.test(d=.5, power = .8)
pwr.t.test(d=.8, power = .8)
# use estimated N results to see how close power was
N <- solved$N
pwr.t.test(d=.2, n=N[1])
pwr.t.test(d=.5, n=N[2])
pwr.t.test(d=.8, n=N[3])
# with rounding
N <- ceiling(solved$N)
pwr.t.test(d=.2, n=N[1])
pwr.t.test(d=.5, n=N[2])
pwr.t.test(d=.8, n=N[3])
### failing analytic formula, confirm results with more precise
### simulation via runSimulation()
### (not required, if accuracy is important then ProBABLI should be run longer)
# csolved <- solved
# csolved$N <- ceiling(solved$N)
# confirm <- runSimulation(design=csolved, replications=10000, parallel=TRUE,
# generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
# summarise=Summarise)
# confirm
# Similarly, terminate if the prediction interval is consistently predicted
# to be between [.795, .805]. Note that maxiter increased as well
solved_predCI <- SimSolve(design=Design, b=.8, interval=c(10, 500),
generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse, summarise=Summarise,
maxiter=200, predCI.tol=.01)
summary(solved_predCI) # note that predCI.b are all within [.795, .805]
N <- solved_predCI$N
pwr.t.test(d=.2, n=N[1])
pwr.t.test(d=.5, n=N[2])
pwr.t.test(d=.8, n=N[3])
# Alternatively, and often more realistically, wait.time can be used
# to specify how long the user is willing to wait for a final estimate.
# Solutions involving more iterations will be more accurate,
# and therefore it is recommended to run the ProBABLI root-solver as long
# the analyst can tolerate if the most accurate estimates are desired.
# Below executes the simulation for 2 minutes per condition
solved_2min <- SimSolve(design=Design[1, ], b=.8, interval=c(10, 500),
generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse, summarise=Summarise,
# use estimated N results to see how close power was
N <- solved_2min$N
pwr.t.test(d=.2, n=N[1])
## Sensitivity Analysis
# GOAL: solve effect size d given sample size and power inputs (inputs
# for root no longer required to be an integer)
# Generate-Analyse-Summarise functions identical to above, however
# Design input includes NA for d element
Design <- createDesign(N = c(100, 50, 25),
d = NA,
sig.level = .05)
Design # solve for NA's
#### Step 2 --- Define generate, analyse, and summarise functions (same as above)
#### Step 3 --- Optimize d over the rows in design
# search between d = [.1, 2] for each row
# In this example, b = target power
# note that integer = FALSE to allow smooth updates of d
solved <- SimSolve(design=Design, b = .8, interval=c(.1, 2),
generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
summarise=Summarise, integer=FALSE)
plot(solved, 1)
plot(solved, 2)
plot(solved, 3)
# plot median history and estimate precision
plot(solved, 1, type = 'history')
plot(solved, 1, type = 'density')
plot(solved, 1, type = 'iterations')
# verify with true power from pwr package
pwr.t.test(n=100, power = .8)
pwr.t.test(n=50, power = .8)
pwr.t.test(n=25, power = .8)
# use estimated d results to see how close power was
pwr.t.test(n=100, d = solved$d[1])
pwr.t.test(n=50, d = solved$d[2])
pwr.t.test(n=25, d = solved$d[3])
### failing analytic formula, confirm results with more precise
### simulation via runSimulation() (not required; if accuracy is important
### PROBABLI should just be run longer)
# confirm <- runSimulation(design=solved, replications=10000, parallel=TRUE,
# generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
# summarise=Summarise)
# confirm
## Criterion Analysis
# GOAL: solve Type I error rate (alpha) given sample size, effect size, and
# power inputs (inputs for root no longer required to be an integer). Only useful
# when Type I error is less important than achieving the desired 1-beta (power)
Design <- createDesign(N = 50,
d = c(.2, .5, .8),
sig.level = NA)
Design # solve for NA's
# all other function definitions same as above
# search for alpha within [.0001, .8]
solved <- SimSolve(design=Design, b = .8, interval=c(.0001, .8),
generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
summarise=Summarise, integer=FALSE)
plot(solved, 1)
plot(solved, 2)
plot(solved, 3)
# plot median history and estimate precision
plot(solved, 1, type = 'history')
plot(solved, 1, type = 'density')
plot(solved, 1, type = 'iterations')
# verify with true power from pwr package
pwr.t.test(n=50, power = .8, d = .2, sig.level=NULL)
pwr.t.test(n=50, power = .8, d = .5, sig.level=NULL)
pwr.t.test(n=50, power = .8, d = .8, sig.level=NULL)
# use estimated alpha results to see how close power was
pwr.t.test(n=50, d = .2, sig.level=solved$sig.level[1])
pwr.t.test(n=50, d = .5, sig.level=solved$sig.level[2])
pwr.t.test(n=50, d = .8, sig.level=solved$sig.level[3])
### failing analytic formula, confirm results with more precise
### simulation via runSimulation() (not required; if accuracy is important
### PROBABLI should just be run longer)
# confirm <- runSimulation(design=solved, replications=10000, parallel=TRUE,
# generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
# summarise=Summarise)
# confirm
} # }